logoCollectif Urgence Palestine

french version française

>> program
>> final declaration


> printable program, up-to-date, with map [doc - english]

> Press Kit [pdf - english]
> flyers international law
[pdf - english]

> flyer presentation and call for financial help
[pdf - english]

> flyer recto/verso with maps and useful informations
[pdf - english]

> Poster of the cultural evening
[A4 pdf - french]

> Flyer cultural evening [4xA6 pdf - french]

objectives of the conference
[pdf - english]

contact info :
Secrétariat GSsA-CUP
15 rue des Savoises 1205 Geneva
Tel: +41 22 320 46 76
Fax: +41 22 320 69 49

International conference
logo conference geneve 2006

Palestine, a people besieged : action is urgent

Israel’s unilateral policy of imposing its own “peace” causes more suffering and injustice every day for the Palestinian population. The parcelling out of the occupied territories, the confiscation of land and the confinement of the population through the building of the wall, the ongoing military attacks and the systematic violations of human rights, the further colonization delay the prospect for a just and lasting peace based on the acknowledgment of all involved populations’ fundamental rights.

The recent sanctions imposed by the U.S. and the E.U. to punish Palestinians for the legislative elections outcome add to the abdication by the international community of its obligations in the face of violations of international law, the Geneva Conventions, the refusal to comply with the International Court of Justice advisory opinion concerning the wall as well as with dozens of UN resolutions. These denials of justice call for an unprecedented mobilization of the international movement of solidarity with the Palestinian people.

The international conference on May 26-28 seeks to reinforce civil society campaigns for sanctions aimed to urge the international community to fulfil its obligations under international law and to pressure the state of Israel to enforce international law. The respect of international law is the ultimate instrument against all types of violence and attacks against civilians. A peace based upon justice is the only security available to the Israeli and Palestinian populations.


Among the confirmed participants are:
Pierre Galand (CECP), Leila Shahid (Palestine), Lea Tsemel (Public Committee Against Torture, Jérusalem), Raji Sourani (PCHR-Gaza), Michel Tubiana (FIDH, Paris), Jonathan Frerichs (World Council of Churches), Ameer Makhoul (Ittijah), Yossef Schwartz (HaMoked), Rifat Kassis (EAPPI), Ingrid Jaradat-Gassner (BADIL), Nahla Chahal (CCIPPP), François Dubuisson (Centre de droit international ULB), Bernard Ravenel (AFPS), Mahmoud Zeidan (Al-Nakbah Centre Beirut), Fathi Khdirat (Stopthewall – Jordan Valley Campaign), Dani Machover (Hickman and Rose Solicitors London), Shir Hever (AIC Jerusalem), Rezek Abu Nasser (Mas'ha camp Against the Wall), Roberto Giudici (Action for Peace, CGIL, Italie), Wissam Alhaj (Gaza), Mohammed Taleb (Paris), Naf'e Hasan (Arab-American University Jenin), Padmanabhan Krishna Murthy (FSM Mumbai), Raja Abu Eid (PWDC Tulkarem), ...

Conference organized by:
CUP (Collectifs Urgence Palestine) Switzerland and ECCP (European Coordination of Committees and associations for Palestine)

french version française


french version française

>> introduction
>> final declaration


> printable program, up-to-date, with map [doc - english]

> Press Kit [pdf - english]
> flyers international law
[pdf - english]

> flyer presentation and call for financial help
[pdf - english]

> flyer recto/verso with maps and useful informations
[pdf - english]

> Poster of the cultural evening
[A4 pdf - french]

> Flyer cultural evening [4xA6 pdf - french]

objectives of the conference
[pdf - english]

contact info :
Secrétariat GSsA-CUP
15 rue des Savoises 1205 Geneva
Tel: +41 22 320 46 76
Fax: +41 22 320 69 49
logo conference geneve 2006

> printable program, up-to-date, with map [doc - english]

program updated on May 21, 2006

Place sanctions on the occupation,
support the rights of the Palestinian people

Friday May 26 - University Uni-Mail - room MR080 - 40, bd du Pont d’Arve

7 pm / Public meeting

  • Pierre Galand, chairman European Coordinating Committees and associations for Palestine, Brussels
  • Leila Shahid, representative of Palestine to the EU
  • Lea Tsemel, Public Committee Against Torture, Jerusalem
  • Raji Sourani, Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, Gaza
  • Michel Tubiana, vice president FIDH (Int'l Federation for Human Rights), Paris
  • Jonathan Frerichs, World Council of Churches.


Re-affirm law: action is necessary

Saturday, May 27 - Maison des Associations - 15, rue des Savoises

8 – 8.30 am / registration and welcome

8.30 – 12 am / plenary sessions:
The tools of international law to support the rights of the Palestinian people in the struggle against

  • dispossession of the land - land confiscations, installing the settlements, the wall, annexation of territory and of East-Jerusalem, the ICJ advisory opinion, the possible sanctions and the struggle to enforce it,
  • denial of rights of the person - Palestinian refugees, the right of return; prisoners, detentions and extra-judicial executions; systematic discrimination and threats to Palestinian citizens of Israel

many speakers - coordination François Dubuisson (centre de droit international Université Libre Bruxelles)

Campaigns and calls for actions to enforce international law

  1. the BDS call (Boycott, Divestments, Sanctions) - Ameer Makhoul (Ittijah)
  2. positions and actions from the Israeli anticolonial movement - Yossef Schwartz (HaMoked)
  3. the European campaign for sanctions against Israeli occupation - Pierre Galand (ECCP)

afternoon 6 Workshops: main ongoing campaigns, critical assessments and prospects to reinforce and broaden civil society actions.

1 – 3 pm / 3 Workshops:

1. Ending economic links to the occupation: possibilities, pitfalls and potential - civil society abstains from cooperating with the occupation/colonization; the choice of the objectives: transnational and local corporations who participate or profit from the occupation; the WCC call for divestment; the campaign against Connex-Alsthom and the Jerusalem annexation tram.

2. Responses to violations of international law: Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions - assessment of different campaigns, the BDS call.

3. Civil missions, direct actions by international civil society - assessment and chances of the civil missions. Objectives, partnerships and campaigns to develop back home (CCIPPP, EAPPI, Action for Peace, ...)

3.30 – 5.30 pm / 3 Workshops:

4. Political pressures, push States to act - Choice of targets, suspension or conditioning of economic agreements, military cooperation, scientific cooperation to the respect of human rights and international humanitarian law; how to enforce the ICJ advisory opinion and the UN resolution to dismantle the wall.

5. Criminal and civil lawsuits - against perpetrators of war crimes and to ask amends to private companies for violations of international law.

6. The right of return for Palestinian refugees: legal context and campaigns - campaigns and actions based on Palestinian refugee rights (BADIL)

6.30 pm / Salle communale de Plainpalais - 52, rue de Carouge

  • Palestinian dinner (with the support of the Oriental restaurants of Geneva)
    Various stands
  • performance: "Le Mur de la Honte" ("The Wall of Shame")
    by Juan-Carlos Gomez and Berndt Götze
  • 8.30 pm Concert: Michel Bühler author and singer (Switzerland)
  • 9.30 pm Interval
  • 10 pm Concert: Sana Mussa (Houmayoune) songs and oud from Palestine

> details [in french]

With the support of the department of cultural affairs of the city of Geneva


Coordinate and develop pressures from civil society
to enforce international law

Sunday May 28 - Maison des Associations - 15, rue des Savoises

9 - 11am / workshops:

  • draft summary proposals for next steps of action
  • discussion of the different agendas of the palestinian, european and israeli movements. Coordination within a common frame.

11 am - 1 pm / plenary session:

discussion and definition of a plan of action and campaigns on international/European and regional/national level
adoption of a final resolution of the conference; end of the conference

English and French simultaneous translations


Organizations participating or represented (provisional list): Action for peace Italie, AIC, Ass. Belgo-Palestinienne, AFPS, BADIL, CCIPPP, CECP, COeE, CUP, EAPPI, GSsA, HaMoked, Ittijah, Nord-Sud 21, PCHR-Gaza, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, PARC, The Grassroots Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, Popular Committee against the Wall.

> printable program, up-to-date, with map [doc - english]


download: flyer presentation and call for financial help [pdf - english]

Conference organized by:
CUP (Collectifs Urgence Palestine) Switzerland and ECCP (European Coordination of Committees and associations for Palestine)

french version française


CUP adresse